The cooler weather is finally here, which makes being outside even nicer. We’ve enjoyed seeing many of you at our garden center making plans for your fall landscaping. What some of you may not realize is that part of what we do at Shreckhise Shrubbery is grow our own materials at our 7-acre field nursery. That’s right, many of the trees, shrubs, and plants you buy at our garden center are grown by us for you

This benefits our customers because we can control the quality of our plants from start to finish. Although we also partner with trusted vendors for certain products, there is immense satisfaction in offering you homegrown plants right here from Weyers Cave, Virginia. We use tried-and-true methods to grow fan favorites like maples, dogwoods, arborvitae, boxwoods, redbuds, and more. In fact, we’re so confident in our trees, shrubs, and plants that we offer a one-year guarantee with them as long as we install them for you.
Another benefit of our field nursery is we can grow our plants to greater maturity before passing them on to you. This means your landscaping takes less time to mature. Plus, our guarantee means you can be confident that your plants will flourish.

Starting in October, we’ll be digging up many of our trees and shrubs to burlap them and take them to the garden center. So make sure you stop by and see everything we have to offer. Remember, the Shreckhise Shrubbery team will always be there to help with whatever questions or landscaping needs you might have!
Let’s Get Growing,