April Specials
Spring is here, and we have a huge inventory of plants and trees to get you started with your landscaping projects.
Come browse our unique selection, and check out our April Specials while supplies last!
*Prices valid on customer pick-up only.
Field Dug
Eastern Redbuds
20% OFF
Eastern Redbuds
20% OFF
Field Dug
Oklahoma Redbuds
20% OFF
Oklahoma Redbuds
20% OFF
Field Dug
Cleveland Pear
20% OFF
Norway Spruce
20% OFF
20% OFF
Crape Myrtles
10% OFF
10% OFF
Otto Luyken Laurels
Schip Laurels
Burning Bush
3-gallon $19.00
7-gallon $36.00
3-gallon $19.00
7-gallon $36.00
Cleveland Pears
15-gallon (6-8ft.) $65.00
15-gallon (8-10ft.) $88.00
15-gallon (6-8ft.) $65.00
15-gallon (8-10ft.) $88.00
Green Giant Arbovitae
3-gallon (3-4ft.) $29.00
3-gallon (3-4ft.) $29.00
Gold Mop Cyprus
3-gallon $26.00
3-gallon $26.00