Residential Landscaping Near Me:

March Specials

We are currently digging in our field nursery and clearing areas to make room to plant a new crop of trees! For a limited time, we will be offering the following trees at a discounted price for pick up orders only. These prices will be valid until March 20, 2020 while supplies last. Please call (540) 234-8500 for more information. 

  • Fat Albert Blue Spruce (6’) $125 
  • October Glory Maple (2 ½ “ cal.) $200
  • Brandywine Maple (2 ½” cal.) $200 
  • Cleveland Pear (2 – 2 ½” cal.) $135
  • Pin Oak (2 -2 ½” cal.) $200
  • Bicolor Oak (2 – 2 ½” cal.) $200 
  • Red Oak (2 -2 ½” cal.) $200 

    Also, ask about seconds! These are trees, in different varieties, that are healthy but not shaped as nicely as our usual stock. 

    Fat Albert Blue Spruce

    Cleveland Pears

     Brandywine and October Glory Maples

    Red Oaks and Pin Oaks

    (540) 234-8500